Dog/Cat Lover



I consider myself an animal lover, I’ve loved animals since I was a little girl. I used to have two stray dogs back when I was younger (they are not here on Earth anymore). Now I have a beautiful cow-cat (it is white with a few black spots on its back and its tail), it is a male and its name is Merlin, Merlin is so funny and lovely, he loves food and he also enjoys when I kiss his belly (that’s really unusual for cats to let people give them kisses on that area).


I don’t think it’s right to keep wild animals in a zoo, I can’t stand it, it makes me really mad, they do not exist for our entertainment. Behind that fake “entertainment” there’s animal abuse and exploitation, if an animal that doesn’t belong in a specific area is relocated into another area where they do not have the environmental conditions to survive, it will suffer from its consequences and we are 100% responsible for that.


A dog bit me when I was 5 years old, funny thing is that the dog was my dog, it wanted to eat some cookies that I was carrying with me, the dog was bigger than me and it bit my face but it wasn’t really that bad, I still loved my doggie after that incident haha.


If I could be an animal, I would love to be a cat, they sleep almost all day and do absolutely nothing, they have no responsibilities like me!.


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