A Dreamy Place



A warm experience through a really cold place!

Almost 3 years ago I went to Puerto Natales, it was one of my favorite Holiday trips ever, I stayed there for 11 days with my mom and sister. 


The first place we visited there was Torres del Paine and I can’t describe how incredible that experience was for me, spiritually and mentally. I was flabbergasted with such beauty and I’ll absolutely visit them again. Here are some beautiful pictures I took:

Torres del Paine in different angles

We also took long walks through the city of Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas and of course we ate a lot of pizza there (something that I found funny was that pizzas in the south of Chile are one hundred percent made of cheese and I’m a cheese enthusiast, so I was definitely happy haha)


Another trip I absolutely enjoyed when I went to Puerto Natales was going to Tierra del Fuego, unforgettable…I would love to live there when I get older.

Estrecho de Magallanes's welcome sign and a picture of the penguins located in "Bahía Inútil"

As I mentioned before, this holiday trip was the best because it changed my perspective of things. I connect really well with nature and this helped me to understand myself and my surroundings a lot more.



  1. A pizza made 100% of cheese?! Someone please take me there!

  2. The magallanes region is wonderful, I would love to visit it again <3


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