
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

2D Animation

 POST 6: POSTGRADUATE STUDIES I have always been interested in animation, specifically 2D Animation, I would love to take that kind of courses, the main reason is that I love drawing and I've always thought about seeing my art moving. It would be a dream come true for me if it all works out well.  For me it might be a good idea to study background composition and character design, i have an original character that would be perfect for an animated short-film im thinking of making in the future. This character is named "Pupo", he is like my "alter-ego", he represents my inner world and thoughts that i don't usually show to people in real life. I would definitely study here in Chile and if I have the chance to do it abroad, i would also be interested in that opportunity. I think Canada or EEUU would be nice places to do it. I would like to study 2D Animation as a part-time course, I'm interested in working at a part-time job to gain some money to pay for my

My Passion

POST 5: MY FUTURE JOB I’m considering to work as a children’s book illustrator at a publishing house, I’m not 100% sure, but I’d also love to make personalized toys for children. It is my dream job to make handmade colorful toys.   It would probably be indoors, I don’t enjoy being outside and working that way could affect my performance at my future job.   If I were given the opportunity I would love to travel a lot and do different studies about my area of knowledge. I think Japan is the place I would love to visit for working matters, I love Japanese children’s books, they stand out from what we have here in the West.   I’m torn between working for a big toys company or doing freelance jobs, both have pros and cons, so time and experience will tell me which one is the best option for my needs and capabilities.   I’m nervous just thinking about majoring in something…I think I would take a major in editorial design in addition to my graphic design career as a plus, I have to work for t

Dog/Cat Lover

POST 4: WILD ANIMALS AND PETS   I consider myself an animal lover, I’ve loved animals since I was a little girl. I used to have two stray dogs back when I was younger (they are not here on Earth anymore). Now I have a beautiful cow-cat (it is white with a few black spots on its back and its tail), it is a male and its name is Merlin, Merlin is so funny and lovely, he loves food and he also enjoys when I kiss his belly (that’s really unusual for cats to let people give them kisses on that area).   I don’t think it’s right to keep wild animals in a zoo, I can’t stand it, it makes me really mad, they do not exist for our entertainment. Behind that fake “entertainment” there’s animal abuse and exploitation, if an animal that doesn’t belong in a specific area is relocated into another area where they do not have the environmental conditions to survive, it will suffer from its consequences and we are 100% responsible for that.   A dog bit me when I was 5 years old, funny thing is that the do